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Mr. Friedman has titled his book “Who Wrote the Bible”, and through out it, he has used the phrase “the world that produced the Bible”. But technically, is this correct? Shouldn’t it be, “Who Wrote the Jewish Old Testament?”

We have a friend, who has concluded after partially reading Mr. Friedman’s book, that Jesus was a myth and that he did not rise from the dead. This was not our intention when we lent him the book, for the book is neither about the New Testament nor about Jesus. So this book can be used destructively. But God's true people will never loose their faith, for our friend was never a believer in the first place.

Evermore, we still believe Moses existed since he appeared to Jesus, as stated in Matt. 17: 3. We still believe God gave Moses laws, particularly the Ten Commandments. With information like Mr. Friedman’s, we can appreciate the Bible even more, and appreciate it for what it is— a collection of works— separated by hundreds of years, which has been gathered and assembled together. This will test and strengthen our faith so we can be found with our house built on a solid rock/Jesus, unlike our Christian friend, who built his house on sand. (Matt. 7: 24- 27)

Finally, we don't have rights to "Who Wrote the Bible" so we disclose only five chapters of the book to entice one to buy the book. It will be worth it, if one want its full enlightenment...or you will be left hanging. Lol

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Who Wrote

the Bible