Discover all the new material created after March 31, 2021 that could not be displayed on the Sister Site LINKED below:

The image below is a Photo of our website that contains the majority of our work which started in 2001. The website contains Videos, Photos and Writings created by and legally borrowed from renowned scholar Robert D. Brinsmead. Feel free to Download and Share.

Once again, on this website discover all the New material created after March 31, 2021.

What's New are mainly Photos, TikTok Videos, TikTok Screen Shots and Screen Shots from other sources.

Just below are samples of what you'll find in the Folders. They are 4 New Photos and 2 TikTok Videos:

YouTube Trailer for

Rabbi at U.N. Explaining Judaism

What is the Real "Good News"

from C.E. 30 ???

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Feel free to reach out to us for any questions or inquiries regarding our twin sister site to We are here to help you.





As we do research, this website is periodically updated with new material. We welcome suggestions and other Videos and Photos that pertain to this website's genre. Please fill out the forms and we will considered your material. Thank You